
Schedule and minutes for recent PTO meetings.

Each month, PTO volunteers meet to discuss activities, budget, and plans for the upcoming school year. This is a great way to stay in the loop about school initiatives and ways you can support your student and BSES teachers & staff.

Morning/Evening Meeting Format! We will hold only two evening meetings this year at 6:30pm on Wed, August 28 & Wed, January 15. There will be no morning meeting held on these two dates. Morning meetings will be held at 9:30am in the PTO room at Bermudian Springs Elementary School. See the schedule below:


  • Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes
